Фильтр публикаций

Репост из: Ministry of Justice and Security

Dear students,

The registration of candidates for the SG Presidency for the 2025-2026 Academic Year is opening TODAY and will continue until 24th of March (23:59).

If you are a dedicated and motivated student looking to make a positive impact on our university, this is your opportunity!

The Presidential Elections will follow a two-round voting system in case of more than two approved candidates, requiring the winning candidate to secure more than 50% of the votes.

Presidential candidate eligibility criteria:

• status of an active student of the University throughout the presidential term;
• academic progress no less than overall CGPA 3.0 (if applicable);
• no personal records of disciplinary cases (both academic and non-academic);
• must demonstrate at least intermediate level of proficiency of Kazakh language; in case of international students, at least elementary level is required;
• an elected president will need to withdraw from the board of other student organizations.

Required package of documents for candidates:

• Letter of Consent;
• Comprehensive action plan for the next academic year (detailed and explained list of initiatives and its realization);
• A detailed CV (with detailed social and academic activities on campus and outside the University);
• Motivation letter;
• Unofficial academic transcript.

How to apply for the Presidency?

Send all the listed documents above to the Google form. Please send your documents in advance so you can make corrections if needed because any deviation from criteria will not be accepted and the candidate will be automatically disqualified. Late submissions will not be accepted.

If you have any questions, please send an email to student.rights@nu.edu.kz.

Looking forward to YOUR applications! 🫵

Regulations of Student Government Presidential Elections 2025 (full information about elections, such as dates, general provisions, requirements, and documents for registration)

[Summary] Library Committee
From 20th February, 2025

⁃ Addition of two previously removed databases: Statista and The Chronicle of Higher Education

⁃ Exclusion of two databases: AIP Select and Cambridge Crystallographic Data Center

⁃ Temporary discontinuation of Compustat, CRSP and WRDS (Wharton Research Data Services)

⁃ Presentation on library resource cuts

#sg_summaries #LibraryCommittee

Follow the link for further information.

Dear students,

As the midterm approaches, the Ministry of Education is happy to invite you to our HST 100: Midterm Night!📜

✨This event is dedicated to deepen your understanding and knowledge of History of Kazakhstan. Get prepared with us and boost your confidence to ace your exams✨

Register for the event via the link to ensure your seat.

🔖Date: 27.02.25
Time: 18:00
📍Location: Blue Hall 

We are looking forward to seeing you there!

Dear students,

✨Ministry of Education, in collaboration with Sociology and Anthropology Student Association (SASA), is happy to invite you to SOC 101 Intro to Sociology Midterm Night!✨

‼️Please register via this link.

📅Date: February 21 (Fri)
⏳Time: 18:00
📍Location: 7е.429

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Dear students,

✨We have updated the Syllabi Database! Now, it includes the syllabi from the Spring 2025 semester, apart from already existing Fall'24, Summer’24, Spring’24, Fall’23, Spring’23, and Fall’22.

Please keep in mind that while the database aims to provide a broad range of syllabi, it may not contain every single one. Also, please remember that course syllabi are subject to change.

If you would like to help us develop this project, please upload any course syllabi that are not present in the database via this form. 🫶

Best wishes,
Ministry of Education

📚PLS 140 Midterm Prep Night📝

Dear students,

✨Ministry of Education and Association of Political Science Students(APSS) are happy to invite you for an upcoming midterm preparation session for PLS 140 Introduction to Comparative Politics!✨

Join us to review key concepts, ask questions about things you find complicated, and get ready to ace your exam!

❗️Please use this link to register and address questions with topics you would like to discuss the most.

📅Date: February 11 (Tue)
Time: 19:00
📍Location: 7e.222

Dear students,

📒 We are happy to present Library Resources—a list of currently active subscriptions that will help you search for journals, articles, essays, and other materials for your studies and research. You can access it via this link.

The list is divided into categories:
🧪 Chemistry
🏦 Business, Economics, and Finance
🪶 Social Sciences and Humanities
⚙️ Engineering and Technology
💉 Medicine and Health Sciences
📰 Media and News
🧮 Mathematics
🌳 Envirnonmental and Physical Sciences
🔘 Multidisciplinary Fields

In the document, each title includes a link, and by clicking, you will be addressed to the subscription website. Please note that over time, new subscriptions may be added, while some of the listed may no longer be renewed. We will keep you updated on this matter.

Best wishes,
Ministry of Education

Dear students,

☕️We’re excited to announce the installation of a self-service coffee machine in the library!

Now, you can fuel your focus with your favorite warm drink on the way to study rooms. We hope this little boost helps you stay motivated and inspired.

🔖 Treat yourself to a cup of coffee and romanticize your learning experience!

⚡️Special thanks to USM and SG MRS for their cooperation⚡️

🪄Location: Library, 5th block, 1st floor

Warm regards,
Ministry of Education

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Dear students,

We would like to address recent concerns regarding institutional and program accreditations with the updates we got from the Strategy and Delivery Office. Please be assured that all accreditations earned by our university’s schools — GSB, GSE, GSPP, СPS, and NUSOM — would still remain valid and would not be affected by the proposed structural changes.

In addition to maintaining existing accreditations, NU is actively working toward achieving new ones. For example, NU is currently in the process of obtaining institutional accreditation from the QAA (Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education). In September 2024, our university was visited by the QAA team for a site visit and has nearly fulfilled all the requirements, after which the final decision will be made (expected in 2025).

Additionally, our university is undergoing program accreditation through the ABET (Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology) for the following bachelor's programs: Electrical and Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biological Sciences, and Petroleum Engineering.

You can also find more information regarding NU’s accreditation status by this link.

With warm regards,
Ministry of Education

Dear students,

We would like to remind you that the extra place processing period for Spring’25 is from Jan 22nd (13:00) to Jan 24th (17:30). All of the approving people must have approved your request by that time. Please refer to the following email from school managers for more information:

«Dear Students,

We would like to encourage you to read form descriptions carefully: we cannot process Extra place forms before the Waitlist drop. If your form was approved by VDAA of the course (Dr. Galiya Sagyndykova or Dr. Andrey Filchenko for SSH courses) we will start processing the forms manually after the Waitlist drop.

Do not forget to register to the course by yourself as soon as your form is processed prior to the Add deadline.

Thank you for your understanding.»

Dear Students,

MOE would like to inform you that in Spring 2025 the course withdrawal period was moved and will start at 12 PM on January 22, instead of January 27. The end date remains March 12, 2025

This decision by the Academic Council was made because previously, the gap between course drop deadline and the start of course withdrawal period prevented students from dropping courses to register for new ones during the add course period. Now, the course withdrawal period will start immediately after the course drop deadline.

By doing so, the Academic Council aims to make the whole registration process smoother and simpler for everyone and make more effective use of the University's resources, as this decision was based on students' demands and overall observations.

Best regards,
Ministry of Education

Dear SSH Students,

We are happy to announce that the SSH CGPA Ranking has been updated after the Fall 2024 semester! You can now view your updated CGPA Ranking for your class through this Google form.

Please note that the response from the ranking system may take some time.

Ministry of Education

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Dear SEDS Students,

We would like to inform that SEDS Ranking system has been updated and you can check your ranking via this form.

Please note that the response from the ranking system may take some time.

P.S. We will announce the updated SSH Ranking system as soon as it will become available.


Dear students,

Ministry of Education has prepared a traditional chat list for SPRING'25 courses!

❗️Access only with your NU account

Also, you can check the past syllabi of your courses via our syllabi database.

To request any changes in the chat list, please message @moe_feedback_bot

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[Summary] Academic Quality Committee (AQC)
From 5th December, 2024

⁃ New program proposal “Doctor of Public Management” (GSPP)

⁃ New program proposal “Master of Applied Artificial Intelligence and Data Science” (SEDS)

⁃ Major program modification to the Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (SEDS) program

⁃ Non-credit bearing course Type II (IRA sub-division). Quantitative Research Methods for Education and Social Science (NCB Type II)

#sg_summaries #AQC

Follow the link for further information:

Dear Students,

Ministry of Education is happy to announce the start of Sweet Support! 🍬🍭

Finals week can be tough, and during this period, we’ll be visiting public study spaces to distribute motivational cards accompanied by sweets.

Each motivational card features a Spotify code—scan it to access music designed to keep you motivated!

💫We believe in you! You’re wonderful, capable, and ready to ace your finals. You’ve got this!

With best wishes,
Ministry of Education

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[Summary] Academic Quality Committee
from 6th November, 2024

- New program proposal: Master of Clinical Pharmacy
- New program proposal: Master of Science in Nursing
- Program modifications for the Bachelor of Business Administration

#sg_summaries #AQC

More info available by the link below:

[Summary] Learning and Teaching Committee
from 31st October, 2024

- Results of NU student and applicant surveys
- Policy changes required
for future Dual degree programs
- Opportunity to place NU courses on the Coursera platform

#sg_summaries #LTC

More info available by the link below:

Dear students,

Ministry of Education is excited to announce the upcoming HST 100: Final Prep Night!📜🕯️

💫 Join us to review the key topics, ask your questions and fall in love with the history of Kazakhstan! As with the previous session, the final night will be led by our beloved Professor Michael Bechtel. This is your final opportunity to go over all the material and get ready to ace your final exam 💫

Register for the event via link to save your seat.

Special thanks to DSS for their cooperation and support.

Date: November 22nd
🕰️ Time: 18:00
📍Location: Orange Hall

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Репост из: NU_MEA
Dear students,

✨Join MEA and MOE to discover new opportunities during the annual Scholarship Fair! ✨

You will have the opportunity to get acquainted with the best international scholarship programs! Embassy representatives from various countries will be on board to share their experiences and answer your questions about application procedures and eligibility requirements for offered scholarships.

🗓️ Date: 13 November
⏰ Time: 12:00-15:00
📍Location: Lower Atrium, between Blocks 8 and 9

We'll be waiting for you so don’t miss this out!⚡️

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