Copilot қосылған кезде гитхабта пулл реквестке осындай түрде саммари жазуға болатынын жаңа біліп жатырмын. В какой-то мере кайф. Өзім жазған және генерить еткен примердың скриндарын қостым.
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I already used copilot for a while. Mainly in code editor for code generation and basic repetitive tasks, I also knew that you can select some files on PR review and ask to explain some bits. But today I found that you can generate PR description by its help, for your PRs or PRs of your colleagues who are lazy to write it. I found pretty helpful. TIL for sure.
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I already used copilot for a while. Mainly in code editor for code generation and basic repetitive tasks, I also knew that you can select some files on PR review and ask to explain some bits. But today I found that you can generate PR description by its help, for your PRs or PRs of your colleagues who are lazy to write it. I found pretty helpful. TIL for sure.