AMA (SOL🔥) SOL Claim
AMA coming soon with SOL Claim!
Community rewards as always 🎁
📍 Where: @madapes
📅 When: Friday 8 PM UTC
If you've traded or received tokens on Solana (like Raydium or Pumpfun), use SolClaim to check if you're eligible to claim back sol FOR FREE. 💰
💰 Bot | Group | Channel | Twitter | Website
AMA coming soon with SOL Claim!
Community rewards as always 🎁
📍 Where: @madapes
📅 When: Friday 8 PM UTC
If you've traded or received tokens on Solana (like Raydium or Pumpfun), use SolClaim to check if you're eligible to claim back sol FOR FREE. 💰
💰 Bot | Group | Channel | Twitter | Website