Biol 110 lab humbled me real quick😃😔
Лаббукты толтырмай келдік толық группа болып, сосын тағы final solution-ды төгіп тастаппыз..😭 Bro was so angry w us, that he told us that we did it intentionally, and called us out on not reading the lab manual beforehand. Мне было так стыдно, that I made it my motivation to study for tomorrow's 9 a.m. biology lecture.
I'm locked in fr.💪🏻💪🏻
Лаббукты толтырмай келдік толық группа болып, сосын тағы final solution-ды төгіп тастаппыз..😭 Bro was so angry w us, that he told us that we did it intentionally, and called us out on not reading the lab manual beforehand. Мне было так стыдно, that I made it my motivation to study for tomorrow's 9 a.m. biology lecture.
I'm locked in fr.💪🏻💪🏻