В Алматы приезжал Chris Schalkx и написал статью для Condé Nast Traveller под достаточно интересным заголовком:
«Kazakhstan's traditional cuisine is having a renaissance worth embracing». The people of the world's largest landlocked country are finally retracing their steps and embracing the culinary identity they lost under Soviet Union rule.
Словарь, для описания гастрономии вам для записей:
1. Чай с молоком - milky chai
2. Бешбармақ (beshbarmak) - the pile of boiled meat, potatoes and doughy strips of pasta
3. Таба нан - taba nan, a Kazakh flatbread
4. Бауырсақ - baursak doughnuts
5. Құрт - kurt, rock-hard balls of tangy cottage cheese.
6. Қазы - kazy sausage
7. Ірімшік - irimshik, a slightly sweet curd
8. Шұбат - shubat (fermented camel’s milk)
9. Быламық - bylamyk millet porridge
10. Қымыз - kymyz (kumis).
«Kazakhstan's traditional cuisine is having a renaissance worth embracing». The people of the world's largest landlocked country are finally retracing their steps and embracing the culinary identity they lost under Soviet Union rule.
Словарь, для описания гастрономии вам для записей:
1. Чай с молоком - milky chai
2. Бешбармақ (beshbarmak) - the pile of boiled meat, potatoes and doughy strips of pasta
3. Таба нан - taba nan, a Kazakh flatbread
4. Бауырсақ - baursak doughnuts
5. Құрт - kurt, rock-hard balls of tangy cottage cheese.
6. Қазы - kazy sausage
7. Ірімшік - irimshik, a slightly sweet curd
8. Шұбат - shubat (fermented camel’s milk)
9. Быламық - bylamyk millet porridge
10. Қымыз - kymyz (kumis).