Your extraculliculars doesn't matter. While reading countless posts on the reddit, I came across one tred with the heading: "Why UCAS doesn't have the section "extraculliculars and achievments" or at least upload your CV.
The response to this tred fully changed my perception for the admissions:
University is an academic institution, not a platform for your sport activities or some kind of battleground for political discussions unless u r going to be a future politician. The university firstly evaluates your academic background. No one doesn't give a shit to your internships at McKinsey or the research work of the cancer research if you couldn't reach GPA higher than 3.85/4. You screwed up the first criteria of your admissions success – well academic background.
The only fucking country which has a special section for your useless activities and honors is USA
Other countries require firstly your high academic results as the guarantee that you will not kicked out of their class.
By high academic evaluation they mean not only GPA at your high school in the middle of nowhere but also high actual grades or predictions in your exams like A-level, O-level, T-level, APs, and SAT.