Statistics say: do this, and you will be more likely to become... (1-2 minutes to read, useful words are given below)
To be truly successful, there is a strong demand for being dedicated to only one particular area of your knowledge; at least, that is what most of us are claiming so actively.
Indeed, you are more likely to fail if you focus only on something particular, and this strong dedication will only take you apart from your prime form.
Noble prize winners were 22 times more likely than typical scientists to be deeply involved in performing arts, 12 times more likely to write music and scenarios, and, ultimately, 7 times more likely to enjoy designing, painting, or sculpting.
Elite athletes are often engaged in intense training at a later age compared to their non or semi-elite counterparts, and they tend to remain competitive in other sports disciplines as they play and compete in multiple sports.
World-class composers and musicians with a better chance are engaged in several musical instruments despite many beliefs.
There are many different reasons why this trend happens — from the comprehensive learning process to associative intelligence enhancement — but the truth remains evident. If you want to become a world-class scientist, you should definitely think about playing the piano; if you are willing to become a great basketball player, you might also think of taking football classes.
To be truly successful, there is a strong demand for being dedicated to only one particular area of your knowledge; at least, that is what most of us are claiming so actively.
Indeed, you are more likely to fail if you focus only on something particular, and this strong dedication will only take you apart from your prime form.
Noble prize winners were 22 times more likely than typical scientists to be deeply involved in performing arts, 12 times more likely to write music and scenarios, and, ultimately, 7 times more likely to enjoy designing, painting, or sculpting.
Elite athletes are often engaged in intense training at a later age compared to their non or semi-elite counterparts, and they tend to remain competitive in other sports disciplines as they play and compete in multiple sports.
World-class composers and musicians with a better chance are engaged in several musical instruments despite many beliefs.
There are many different reasons why this trend happens — from the comprehensive learning process to associative intelligence enhancement — but the truth remains evident. If you want to become a world-class scientist, you should definitely think about playing the piano; if you are willing to become a great basketball player, you might also think of taking football classes.