Dear students,
We would like to address recent concerns regarding institutional and program accreditations with the updates we got from the Strategy and Delivery Office.
Please be assured that all accreditations earned by our university’s schools — GSB, GSE, GSPP, СPS, and NUSOM — would still remain valid and would not be affected by the proposed structural changes. In addition to maintaining existing accreditations, NU is actively working toward achieving new ones. For example,
NU is currently in the process of obtaining institutional accreditation from the QAA (Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education). In September 2024,
our university was visited by the QAA team for a site visit and has nearly fulfilled all the requirements, after which the final decision will be made (expected in 2025).
Additionally, our university is undergoing
program accreditation through the
ABET (Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology) for the following bachelor's programs: Electrical and Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biological Sciences, and Petroleum Engineering.
You can also find more information regarding NU’s accreditation status by this
link. With warm regards,
Ministry of Education