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collaboration bitches

$hoõt, go frôm thë ștore tø the booth
Mãke it ăll baçk in oñe lōop, gīve the loot
Neve4 miñd, I got the jüice
Ñothíng buț net when we shõøt
Look at my neck, look at my jet
Ăin't got enough m9ney to p2y me reșpeçt
Ain't no budget when I'm on th3 $et
If I likê it, then that's what I get, y3ah

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от лица, совмы и кн с лицом не беру


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нгей нгей

кристи любит нгей


Ладно так уж и быть


ну 1 пж


nicole wall. dan repost

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.