do u know the slavic guy on tiktok who starts his video with “fuck university” or something 🤣
i want to also say fuck people who underestimate your experience and judge you, or have something opposing to say to u. i don’t know if this person reads this post but, i just looked at these pictures and remembered his words. when i said that i want to pass the sat, he said “but it will be hard for you, yeah. are you sure u can do that?” i see this doubt in me in his eyes. how can you ever say such things to people… they mirror their disbelief in themselves on other people? or am i mistaken. honestly, i GAVE a fuck that time. and i didn’t pass my sat very well as others expected. it was my fault but the most important factor was that i didn’t believe in high score that lead me to procrastination. i fucked up, yes.
one more case. when i returned from technovation i said that it was a good experience, people just smirked. that was so unpleasant. like are u some mit student to smirk 🐒
recently i have been said that i am dancing too “vulgar” and it is not appropriate. and u know
fuck these people. like do you care about other people? does it hurt you when someone is doing that you CAN NOT let yourself do? i guess yes
that is why u always judge and complain 💋
you were born in this world knowing nothing and some random people programmed your mind with something like
“this is not right” “this is not normal”. who the fuck invented “normal” standards. and who the fuck cares. we will die and no one remembers your crazy dance on tiktok or your blemish on the photo, where you are really happy and expressing your real emotions.
why you choose to spend your energy on some foolish things.
do you understand that everybody care only about THEMSELVES?
+ recently i just can’t stand people who always complain.
😭😭😭😭 I JUST CAN NOT, it is energy consuming
AND WHEN YOU SAY THAT THEIR PROBLEM HAS SOLUTIONS, they just LAYER another stupid, UNREAL reasons for their problems. listen, you do not like something in your life? please do not envy others and say smth like “OH THEY ARE SO LUCKY, and i am so miserable 🥹”
yes, you are, because YOU CHOOSE to be miserable. you said that BY YOURSELF. no one called you miserable, but you did. and if you do not agree, you just can not accept the truth
that’s why less words, judging and more consciousness, PLS 🙏
i want to also say fuck people who underestimate your experience and judge you, or have something opposing to say to u. i don’t know if this person reads this post but, i just looked at these pictures and remembered his words. when i said that i want to pass the sat, he said “but it will be hard for you, yeah. are you sure u can do that?” i see this doubt in me in his eyes. how can you ever say such things to people… they mirror their disbelief in themselves on other people? or am i mistaken. honestly, i GAVE a fuck that time. and i didn’t pass my sat very well as others expected. it was my fault but the most important factor was that i didn’t believe in high score that lead me to procrastination. i fucked up, yes.
one more case. when i returned from technovation i said that it was a good experience, people just smirked. that was so unpleasant. like are u some mit student to smirk 🐒
recently i have been said that i am dancing too “vulgar” and it is not appropriate. and u know
fuck these people. like do you care about other people? does it hurt you when someone is doing that you CAN NOT let yourself do? i guess yes
that is why u always judge and complain 💋
you were born in this world knowing nothing and some random people programmed your mind with something like
“this is not right” “this is not normal”. who the fuck invented “normal” standards. and who the fuck cares. we will die and no one remembers your crazy dance on tiktok or your blemish on the photo, where you are really happy and expressing your real emotions.
why you choose to spend your energy on some foolish things.
do you understand that everybody care only about THEMSELVES?
+ recently i just can’t stand people who always complain.
😭😭😭😭 I JUST CAN NOT, it is energy consuming
AND WHEN YOU SAY THAT THEIR PROBLEM HAS SOLUTIONS, they just LAYER another stupid, UNREAL reasons for their problems. listen, you do not like something in your life? please do not envy others and say smth like “OH THEY ARE SO LUCKY, and i am so miserable 🥹”
yes, you are, because YOU CHOOSE to be miserable. you said that BY YOURSELF. no one called you miserable, but you did. and if you do not agree, you just can not accept the truth
that’s why less words, judging and more consciousness, PLS 🙏